Free friday (but maybe not)

1 comment

Have you read this post by Elisabeth of Fine little day about advertising? It made me think, when is advertising ok and can it be sincere? Once in a while I get offers from companies who ask me to put an affiliated link on my blog and every time I said no. It didn't feel right to lend my blog for promotion that has nothing to do with the thoughts and ideas I post here.

Last week I subscribed to Uppercase, my absolute favorite magazine (hurray!) and saw they have buttons to put on your site or blog. And now the big thing... this button is an affiliated link. Everytime someone clicks it, it leads to the uppercase website (not directly to a shop). If that person eventually buys something (while still there though the link) in the Uppercase shop or subscribes, I receive a small (very small) amount. I like the idea of promoting Uppercase and them, in a small way, promoting me as an artist, to be able to do the things I love.

Now that's said, let's all click that button and buy! No, just kidding, feel free to whatever you want or won't. That what I try to do ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Ja, dat is een mooie en bescheiden reclame...ik moet persoonlijk erg wennen aan grote schreeuwerige reclame op blogs. Ik begrijp wel dat het mensen de mogelijkheid geeft om hun blog goed te onderhouden, maar toch...mooi is anders...?


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